Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This God...

This God,

Who watches worlds,

Sees my heart.

This careful calculator,

Counting countless millions,

Counts me in.

This artist,

Whose canvas outstretches

Eternity at both ends;

Whose palette out-colours planets,

Paints my portrait.

This lover,

Who dreams in universes,

Dreams of me.

This creator,

Whose breadth of vision spans time

And spawns a cosmos;

Whose woven tapestry of purpose,

More compound than chaos,

Eclipsing complexity,

Rolls out like a highway through history;

Whose heartbeat deafens supernovas:

This father

Kisses me.

This playwright,


With the deaths and entrances of stars;


The end from the beginning;


The purpose of the play:


My feeble audition,

And writes



"This God" by Gerard Kelly
From the book Spoken Worship